
Questions marked with a * are required
This is the Application for Bachelor's Degree for students in the College of Health Sciences at UTEP for Spring and Summer 2021 (May and August) graduation. The information provided will be used to fill out and submit your application to the Assistant Dean for review.  Please ensure that the information entered is correct and exact (spelling, addresses, ID numbers, etc.).

Make sure to read over the Bachelors Degree Application (will open in new window) for important information. 
DO NOT fill out the pdf form - the form will be completed with the information you enter below!!  

Spring Application Due Date:  February 19, 2021 (after this date, a $15 late fee will be added): 
Summer Application Due Date:  July 16, 2021 (after this date, a $15 late fee will be added)

You will receive an email confirmation to your Official University Email address once you complete this application.  Keep this email for your reference.
Applicant's Name (must match official University records on Goldmine - your official name will be printed in the program, in The Prospector, on the Commencement reader card, and on your Diploma):
Middle Name or Middle Initial (if applicable):
UTEP ID# (8-digit number that starts with 8)
This application is ONLY for College of Health Sciences students.  I confirm that I am an undergraduate student in the College of Health Sciences planning to graduate in Spring or Summer 2021.
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